

Personal Trainer

Hi! I’m Francisca Huff (a.k.a., Frankie). I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease 26 years ago. It wasn’t an easy pass, after surgery life became easier. A second chance. It wasn’t easy navigating on my own, but I knew I wanted to get better. To be better. I am now a firm believer of having a support system.. My path has led me to fitness which became my passion. It helped me to regain my confidence and became proud of who I am, and who I want to be. On this path my journey: I am a mother, sister, and a friend. I am your coach. I am filled with passion for helping one’s journey to elevate to think of the impossible, possible. Over the years, I have become resilient and lost MANY battles but won the war. It’s never too late. Fitness has changed my life that helped me regain my confidence and now it’s a passion of mine to help others find their confidence again. I’ve been a fitness coach for nine years, and I’ve also competed in NPC bodybuilding and won multiple awards.
